Identify by helicopter characteristics








Below check the specific characteristics of the helicopter or eVTOL you are looking for. You can select multiple items for each characteristic. The results will be filtered automatically. 

MBB Bo-105

The fuselage shape of the Bo-105 is typical: rounded on al sides. A narrow tail boom extended from the top rear of it, curving to a vertical stabiliser at the end. The horizontal stabilisers have rectangular end plates. The main rotor have four blades, and the tail rotor two.

This twin engine helicopter was first developed as the BK117. Its key features are a four blade main rotor and a two blade tail rotor. The outer vertical stabilisers, actually end plates of the horizontal stabilisers, are very big, and even larger than the middle vertical stabiliser. Later it was merged with the forward fuselage of the EC135 to create the EC145.

McCulloch XHUM-1

This is one of the smallest tandem helicopters. Both rotors have only two blades. The fuselage mainly consists of a cabin at the front and an engine compartment in the back. It has a fixed tricycle gear. 

McDonnell XH-20 Little Henry

Being a test helicopter, the first with ram jets at the end of the main rotor blades, a steel open frame was sufficient for the XH-20. Is has no tail rotor, just a large vertical stabiliser.

MD Helicopters MD520N & MD600N

The MD520N and larger MD600N have a fan in the tail boom that blows out air at the end to counter the torque of the main rotor. For the rest they are similar to the Hughes 369 family, with the egg shaped fuselage ending in the exhaust of the engine.

MD Helicopters MD900

This helicopter in the class of the EC145/H145 has no tail rotor, but uses a fan inside the tail boom that blows out air at the end to counter the torque of the main rotor. It has an H-tail with swept vertical stabilisers at the ends of the horizontal stabiliser. The latter is placed on top of the tail boom. The cockpit window arrangement is typical.

Mil Mi-2

The Mi-2 has quite a large gear box/engine housing on top of its small fuselage, and that is one of the key features. Additionally, the heli has a narrow tail boom that points up diagonally at the end to hold the tail rotor. It has no vertical stabiliser. 

Mil Mi-24

The Hind is a large combat helicopter with two separate canopies for the crew, short wings with significant anhedral and weapon pylons and a retractable gear as main distinctive features. The Mi-24 also has a cabin in the fuselage to transport people.

Mil Mi-26

The large Mi-26 is quite similar to its predecessor, the Mi-6, but has no wings. Also, the main gear is close to the fuselage and has double wheels.

The Soviet counterpart of the Apache has a five blade main rotor, two separate canopies, a large scissor type tail rotor (so with unequal angles between the blades) on the top right of the vertical fin and a high mounted horizontal stabiliser on the left. Typical are the stub wings with significant anhedral.