Identify by helicopter characteristics








Below check the specific characteristics of the helicopter or eVTOL you are looking for. You can select multiple items for each characteristic. The results will be filtered automatically. 

Kamov Ka-25/Ka-27/Ka-32 family

Like many Kamov designs, the Ka-25/Ka-27/Ka-32 family has two co-axial, three blade main rotors, powered by two turboshaft engines on top of the fuselage. These helicopters have an H-tail, on most versions supplemented by a central fin down and/or up. Also, all have a fixed, four leg gear. 

Kamov Ka-26

This co-axial helicopter has piston engines in nacelles attached to the upper side of the fuselage, so they look like jet engines. Furthermore, the Ka-26 has two tail booms, with a horizontal stabiliser in the middle and vertical stabilisers at both ends. The four leg gear has two short legs at the front and two long ones at the rear.

Kamov Ka-50/Ka-52

If you see an attack helicopter with small stub wings and co-axial rotors, it is probably a Kamov Ka-50 of Ka-52. These main rotors have three blades each, and are powered by turboshaft engines at the side of the fuselage, above the short wings. The gear with a double wheel nose gear is retractable.

Kawasaki OH-1

The OH-1 can best be described as an Agusta A129 with a shrouded tail rotor and the flat canopy windows of the AH-1 Cobra. The gear is fixed.

Kazan Ansat

This Russian helicopter comes in versions with skids or a tricycle wheeled gear. It has two engines, a four blade main rotor and a two blade tail rotor. Typical are the horizontal stabilisers seemingly welded to the underside of the tail boom, with large end plates acting as vertical stabilisers.

Leonardo AW09 (SKYe SH09)

The SKYe SH09, now as AW09 the smallest helicopter in the Leonardo (AgustaWestland) line-up, has a shrouded tail rotor that is big compared to the tailboom and tail. Additionally, the AW09 has a 'standard' tube skids, a five blade main rotor and all glass cockpit doors. (photo: Kecko/WikiMedia)

The AW101, formerly known as EH101, has three engines, one on the hub on top of the fuselage, and one on each side of it. Additionally, it has small sponsons in which the two wheel main gear retracts. The main rotor has five blades that widen towards the tip. Finally, the tail rotor is on the left side, with a low horizontal on the opposite side.

The A109 is a sleek looking helicopter, often with a single wheel retractable gear, but there are also fixed gear and skid versions. The nose gear does not fully retract. Another typical feature is the very pointed tail cone.

Basically, the AW119 is a single engine version of the AW109 with skids instead of a wheeled gear. So it also has a similar fuselage and tail boom, including its pointed end. Although having one engine, it has exhausts on both sides of the gear box hub.

This family has members of different sizes, here the largest AW189 is shown, but the basic appearance is the same. The most typical features are the bent up tips of the horizontal stabilisers.