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Supermarine Swift

The Swift fighter is characterised by semi circular air intakes at th side of the fuselage, below the canopy. Furthermore, it has a single long nose gear door. The slightly curved leading edge of the fin ends in a long dorsal fin. This vertical fin is placed nearly in front of the horizontal stabiliser, which have a noticeable dihedral. (photo: RuthAS/WikiMedia)

The first of the Swearingen Merlin family used the wings of Beech Queen Air and single wheel main gear of the Twin Bonanza, but already has the distinctive cockpit windows of the rest of the Merlin and Metroliner series.

The Merlin III is the short body version of the Metroliner commuter aircraft. It has the same nose, undercarriage, tail and engine nacelles, but larger cabin windows. 

The key features of the Metroliner commuter aircraft are the long fuselage with long nose and horizontal stabilisers attached to the dorsal fin. There is als a short body Merlin version, which has larger cabin windows.

The configuration of the SJ30 is pretty standard with a low-mounted wing, engines attached to the fuselage and a T-tail. Unusual, however, are the legs of the main landing gear, which look somewhat like those of a Jaguar fighter. Also look at the leading edge of the vertical stabiliser, curved al the way to the trailing edge.

This turboprop trainer has a stubby appearance, a tail like the PC-9M (so with a large dorsal fin), a two piece canopy, wings with continuous dihedral and on most versions small winglets. 

Taylorcraft 20

Compared to similar aircraft the Taylor­craft 20 stands out due to the long struts in triangle shape, attached to the wings at nearly two thirds of the span. The triangular horizontal stabilisers with rounded tips have a single strut. The wing tips are only slightly rounded. The aircraft has a horizontally opposed piston engine.

Taylorcraft C/D & Auster family

The main British light observation aircraft from the 1940s has a fabric covered tube airframe that is wide at the front and narrows towards the tail. It is normally powered by an inline engine with the pistons at the bottom.

The Rysachok looks a bit like a cross-over between an Ae270 and a Rockwell Commander 700. The engine intakes on top of the nacelle, the large single main gear wheels and the large square cabin windows make it distinctive from the rest.

Technoavia SM92 Finist

This modern Russian DHC-2 look-a-like can have a radial piston or turboprop engine. The SM92 has three large cabin windows and a cruciform tail with strut braced horizontal stabilisers.