Identify by airplane characteristics








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The Boeing 757 has a lot in common with the Boeing 767, but has a narrower fuselage resulting a different nose. The most likely you are going to mistake the 757 for a Tupolev 204 however. Look at the cockpit windows and winglets to keep them apart.

Typical for the 767 are the four wheel main landing gear bogeys that are tilted forward when the aircraft is of the ground. Additionally, the tailcone of the 767 is pointed. The lower sides of the cockpit side windows form a V shape.

Essentially the Boeing 777 is a “blown-up” 767, but there are specific recognition points The tailcone of the 777 is squared off and the main landing gear has six wheels per leg. The bogeys are not tilted.

The Dreamliner looks similar to the 767, 777 and A350, but it is still easily recognisable. The 787 has only four cockpit windows. The wings with raked wingtips are curved up and the backend of the vertical tail is slightly pointing up like a shark fin.

Boeing 80

This large biplane has one radial piston engine in the nose and two in between the wings. The lower wings have a smaller span than the upper wings. Most versions have a single vertical stabiliser, but some have additional fins on each side, about halfway the horizontal stabilisers.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

Famous bomber aircraft from the WW2 era that was built in large numbers. Typical for the B-17 are the tailwheel configuration with large, single wheel main gear. Another goed recognition point is the curved single fin.

Boeing B-29/B-50 & Tupolev Tu-4

This heavy bomber is best recognised by its typical round, stepless nose with cockpit windows all around. The Tu-4 was the reverse-engineered Soviet version.

Boeing B-47 Stratojet

Boeing designed America's first true jet bomber aircraft. Given the not-so-powerfull engines at that time, six were needed. These are located under the wings, four in pairs and two in separate pods. Also typical for the B-47 are the fighter like canopy housing the two pilots, and the tandem main landing gear.

It is very easy to recognise a B-52. The eight jet engines, mounted in pairs under the wings, and the four main landing gears under the fuselage make it stand out from all other aircraft.

Boeing C-97 Stratofreighter & 377 Stratocruiser

Few piston engined transport aircraft can be recognised so easily as the Boeing Stratofreighter/Stratocruiser. The double-bubble, eight-shaped fuselage and the blunt nose with many cockpit windows are a unique sight.