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The best way to recognise this jet training aircraft is by its air intakes: they have nearly the shape of half circles, and are placed at the side of the fuselage, just after the cockpit. There is some room between the air channel and the wings.
The Ae270, developed by Aero Vodochody in cooperation with AIDC (from Taiwan), is a low wing aircraft with a regular tailplane. It looks a bit like a stretched TBM-700 with six cockpit windows and an air intake in the dorsal fin.
The Aerocar was one of the attempts to make a practical combination of airplane and car. It has a pusher propeller in the rear, after the Y-shaped tail (V-tail or butterfly tail combined with ventral fin). The whole tail section and wings can be removed so it can ride on four separate wheels like a car.
Aeronca 65/L-3 Grasshopper
This light aircraft is often confused with the Piper Cub, with a similar gear, cabin, tail and exposed engine cylinder heads. The Aeronca has a somewhat taller and shorter fuselage. The main wing struts are connected to the wings with a triangular set of tubes, about halfway the main struts. The main struts attach to the fuselage at the front of the gear struts.
Aerospace Lines Pregnant/Super Guppy
To transport outsize cargo several Boeing Stratocruisers were converted with a much larger diameter fuselage. These are known as Pregnant Guppy or Super Guppy. Often also the piston engines were replaced by turboprop engines. But the Stratocruiser heritage is still visible, especially in the nose.
The Corvette is a French type of bizjet, that could be mistaken for a Falcon 10 or a Falcon 20. There is nothing in particular that differentiate both, except the cockpit windows and tip tanks. The latter are optional on the Corvette, but not present on the Falcon 10/20.
The ATR42 and longer ATR72 can especially be recognised by the short landing gear, large vertical stabiliser, with two bents in the curved leading edge, and the pointed tail cone. The latter is also a characteristic of the Dornier 328, with which the ATR42 can be confused.
Just two supersonic transport aircraft actually flew, this Concorde and the very similar Tu-144. The Concorde has clearly spaced engine pairs under the ogival delta wings, and four wheel bogeys on the main landing gear.
Aerotec A-122 Uirapuru
This Brazilian primary trainer has as key feature a high bubble canopy with two bow frames, that can slide backward, and a rather tall, nearly rectangular vertical stabiliser.
Typical for this Taiwanese jet trainer are the engines which are attached to the side of the (rear) fuselage and fed by D shaped air intakes with splitter plates. The rudder goes all the way up from the bottom of the rear fuselage to the top of the vertical stabiliser. (photo Toshiro Aoki/WikiMedia)