Dassault Falcon 5X/6X
In an attempt to capture a part of the long range, large cabin bizjet market dominated by Gulfstream and Bombardier, the French manufacturer Dassault developed the Falcon 5X. While this failed due to problems with the Silvercrest engine, the re-engined Falcon 6X was certified in 2023. Both models can basically be seen as enlarged Falcon 2000s, as they have the same basic appearance, in particular the cruciform tail, although that of the 5X/6X has horizontal stabilisers with slight dihedral instead of anhedral that was custom so far. The Falcon 5X and 6X have four curved cockpit windows that taper towards the sides. Finally typical are the Falcon 8X type, rather wide and short winglets.
The cockpit windows of the Falcon 6X (and 5X) have a typical taper towards the sides.
Different versions
To differentiate between the Falcon 5X and 6X you have to look for detailed differences in the engine nacelles.
Falcon 5X
Originally, the Falcon 5X was to be powered by two SNECMA Silvercrest engines. The engine nacelles have a rectangular opening on the top side in the middle, and another on the lower side near the intake. They also have large thrust reverser doors with rear edges nearly parallel to the exhaust.
The Falcon 5X is best recognised by the shape of the engine nacelles. It has rectangular openings, of which the top middle one is clearly visible. (photo: Dassault Aviation)
Falcon 6X
With the failure of the Falcon 5X, Dassault re-designed the aircraft with a Pratt & Whitney engine as the Falcon 6X. This lacks the rectangular openings of the Silvercrest nacelle. While the thrust reverser doors are still quite large, they now have diagonal rear edges. Finally, the 6X is about a foot longer than the 5X, but that is very difficult to spot.
Confusion possible with
Dassault Falcon 2000
The Falcon 2000 has a lot in common with the Falcon 5X/6X when is comes to appearance, but is smaller. Most obvious differences are that the 2000 has seven flat cockpit windows and anhedral on the horizontal stabilisers.
IAI1126 Galaxy/Gulfstream G200
This aircraft also has a similar general configuration as the Falcon 5X and 6X, but also smaller. The IAI1126/G200 also has four cockpit windows, but without a taper, and a slightly anhedral on the horizontal stabilisers. However, the cabin windows of the IAI1126/G200 are oval, the nacelles have external thrust reverser fairing at the back, a cut-off dorsal fin and ventral fins.